Tuesday 10 February 2015


Part One:
  • After watching this movie, there are many more things that I disliked about the movie than I liked. For instance, the historical content of the movie was very insightful because I really had no prior knowledge of any of the historical content of the movie whatsoever. Honestly, I really did not like the Scottish accents. I feel like if the characters did not have such strong accents then I would have liked it way more than I actually did. Also, I am a HUGE animal lover so seeing all the horses was not amusing at all.
  • Overall, the movie made me a tiny bit sick to my stomach. I think the mixture of the horrible accents, the brutal killing of the people and especially the unnecessary killings of the horses did not make me feel good at all.
  • Honestly, the only real lasting impression I got on the movie was the actuality of the war between the Scottish and English. I gained at a lasting impression of new knowledge from this movie. 
  • I think that the main character (Wallace) was very interesting. I think that his nationality and willingness to fight for his beloved country is very motivational and inspiring. Nowadays, I feel like less and less people are involving themselves in war for the purpose of fighting for their country. I think his character was an overall very interesting person and that's what made the movie so good for a lot of people
  • Some content that it could have to today is to show how dedicated and motivated soldiers can be to fight for what they believe in. This movie proves that there really are people who fight for what they believe in and it serves as inspiration for others to put their everything into what they believe is the right thing to do, even if they may look strange to others.
Part Two:
  • By saying the quote "Every man dies, but not every man lives," I think that it can be taken in many different ways for different people. I think that he meant that in the end obviously you are going to die, so why not fight for what you want and actually live your life the way you want to. The Scottish were sick of being controlled by the English and felt like they weren't "living" because of the English control. To them, in order to live their life the way they want to, fighting for independence was the way to actually "live"
  • This quote could definitely apply to my life as a senior. Coming up on my final months of high school and completing this stage of my life, this quote serves as a way for me to live the last of this stage in the best way possible.

1 comment:

Burk said...

What is your purpose in life? That's a great question that I'm sure you'll be asked more and more upon graduating from high school. It's a tough question and one that I personally have had to ask myself on a regular basis in order to keep things in perspective. I guess the beauty of it all is that after all is said and done, it's your life to do with as you please. Nice post!