Friday 27 March 2015


Part one:

  • Something that I liked from the movie was the screenplay and the way that they chose to show how the shooting of President Kennedy played out. I thought they did an awesome job of showing it from a perspective of someone who was watching President Kennedy rather than a narrator telling what happened. Something I didn't like was that sometimes the movie got a little bit boring.
  • The movie didn't really have a lasting impact on me/made me feel any type of way.
  • Some lasting impressions had me thinking about all the different types of conspiracy's in the world. There is even a conspiracy that ISIS is all run by the government. I wonder what other conspiracy's there are.
  • The most interesting character was the role of Zach Efron. I noticed that he actually did  a very good job of portraying a doctor, I'm used to movies with him being a high school theatre boy!! Lol, but I think he did a good job of portraying the pressure that the actual Doctor had to go through during that time.
  • I think that the moral of the story is that there is always more than what the eye can see. I feel like the movie showed that there was so much more than just some random person who shot the president. There was more too the story and there is more to any story that you here. I think that the saying "theres always 2 sides to every story" is a good quote. 
  • I would recommend this movie to others. I was interesting, and Zach Efron was in it, so that's a plus!
  • Some content applications to today is that there may be more to the story than what you see.
  • Some themes are that there sometimes is more than what you see and also maybe something you believe can be all in your head.
Part Two:
  • I would ask my grandparents, but my grandma won't answer her phone and my grandpa wouldn't remember and would probably just try to change the subject to what college I decided I'm going to. Both of my parents are out of town so I txted them in a group chat asking where they were. My mom was not born yet and my dad was 6. My dad replied saying "I have always felt a special connection with the Kennedy's. I have a story you won't believe. I will call you tomorrow." 

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