Thursday 23 April 2015

United 93

Part One:

  • I really liked this movie. I feel like it did a really good job of showing not only the events that happened in United 93, but all the other planes and the detailed associated with what went down. Obviously I know the story of 9/11 prior to watching the movie, but I did not know how intricate and thought out the terrorists plans were. 
  • The movie didn't necessarily make me feel different about what happened on that day, but it definitely made me more aware of the events that played out and how people reacted. I had no idea that the US airway was completely shut down. That's really crazy
  • I thought the couple of men on the plane who took charge in creating an action plan to stop the hijackers was really interesting. In a situation like that, I find it extremely heroic to take charge and try to stop the men. These few men knew that they were probably going to die, but nevertheless they still took charge and tried to save themselves and others. They didn't just sit there and panic, they stepped up and tried to help even when knowing that planes had already crashed into the World Trade Centre.
Part Two:
  • It fills me with both, but mostly despair. I honestly can't even think about what it was like for the people on the planes who had to go through the hijacking. I feel so bad for the people who were on the top of those buildings who literally had no way down. Its hard to even portray my feelings because I don't even know what to say. 
Part Three:
  • Something that we should never forget is how this brought everyone in America together. The mix between anger/despair/sadness and rage influenced many people to come together. I know for a fact that so many people joined the war after this happened. 

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